3 Tips For Healthier Eating When You Dine Out

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3 Tips For Healthier Eating When You Dine Out

27 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are trying to lose weight and become healthier, you will probably have to be very careful with what you eat. While you are at home, this is not usually hard to do, because you can shop for the foods you want; however, eating at restaurants can be tricky. If you are planning on eating out this weekend and want to make sure you do not blow your new healthy eating plan, you may want to follow these tips to make sure you choose a healthy meal.

Surf The Menu Before You Go

One of the best options you have to eat healthy when you dine out is knowing ahead of time what the restaurant offers. Many restaurants offer their menus online. If you look up the restaurant's menu before you go, you will be able to spend some time looking carefully at it. This will help you understand what they offer, and you may be able to choose your meal before you go. This is a great way to make sure you eat a healthy meal while you are there.

Ask For No Sauce

A lot of different entrees at restaurants come with sauces on them, and these sauces can be loaded with ingredients that are not good for you. This is true even with salads, simply because of the dressing, and with vegetables. The first way to avoid eating unhealthy at a restaurant is to ask the server to leave the sauce off whatever you order. If it is a salad, eat it plain or ask for vinegar and oil. If you are having a chicken breast, ask them to leave the sauce off. No matter what you order, there is a chance you could order it plain, and this is a great way to eat healthier when you dine out.

Avoid The Carbs

A lot of different diets and healthy-eating plans direct you to avoid carbs. If your diet says this, you should avoid ordering potatoes of any kind, and you should avoid eating the bread they serve you. Keep in mind that there are a lot of other foods that contain carbs too, including legumes, fruits, dairy products, and corn. Know what foods you can and cannot eat before you go.

Eating healthy at restaurants like Melting Pot Pizza is becoming easier today because a lot of restaurants offer healthy-eating entrees. If you would like to learn more about healthy options when dining out, visit a restaurant today.