On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous benefits of dining at a restaurant on a first date. Enjoy!

Before You Host Your Next Event, Check Out These Raw Bar Safety Tips

12 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog

A raw bar can easily become the star attraction of any gathering, from weddings and reunions to corporate get-togethers. But while you're having a good time, it's important to keep safety in mind. The following tips can help your guests enjoy the appeal of fresh food without putting their safety at risk. Know Your Seafood It pays to have a good understanding of the seafood you plan on presenting for your raw bar. Read More …

Spice Up Your Dinner Tonight With This Easy To Make, Authentic Mexican Pizza

14 November 2014
 Categories: , Blog

Have Taco Tuesdays and Spaghetti Sundays began to lose their appeal? Are you simply tired of eating the same things over and over again due to your tight schedule? If so, you should know that spicing up your weekday dinner menu can be much easier than you think. In fact, with this authentic Mexican pizza, you will be able to whip up an exotic and delicious dish for your family in less than an hour. Read More …

3 Things Every Good Bar And Grill Has

11 November 2014
 Categories: , Blog

For a lot of people, going out to a bar and grill restaurant is a great way to let off steam after a hard week at work. However, not all of them are created equal. There are some bar and grills that are better than others. Here are three things that every good bar and grill must have. 1. Appetizer specials. One of the best things about going to a bar and grill restaurant is getting to eat the great appetizers. Read More …