Are You In Charge Of Arranging Your Company's Next Function?

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Are You In Charge Of Arranging Your Company's Next Function?

21 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Are you the owner of a business? Perhaps you manage a department in your corporation. It may be that you are an executive assistant or even a secretary. Whatever your title, if you are in charge of arranging your company's next function, from booking the event to getting the word out, here are some ideas that might help you to plan something that will be enjoyed by those who attend.

Book The Event - When you think about it, you can't really put the word out to those who will be coming to the event until you have all of the specifics. Think of gathering your own information first. For example, how many will be attending the event? Will spouses be invited or will the event be only for workers? What will be the date of your function? Do you want it to be a casual event or a more formal one? Where will the function be held? Will it be local or will you be going out of town? Will classes or workshops be offered?

Once you have compiled all of the information you need, consider making reservations as soon as possible. If classes or workshops will be offered, consider holding your event at a hotel that has classrooms, and that has a restaurant right in the hotel. Find out if the restaurant will cater your function. In fact, if you'll be at the location for more than one meal, see if the restaurant will provide the three major meals of the day and even snacks.

Put Out The Word - As you make your plans, keep careful notes so that you can refer to them when you book your function. Of course, you can email all of those who will be attending but think about doing something a bit different. Send invitations through the mail. Don't forget to include the time, date and place where your function will be held. Also, include the type of dress that should be worn. For instance, indicate if it's Casual Dressy or Super Casual. 

Don't forget to include an RSVP on the invitation so that you'll know how many people will be attending the function. That's especially true if spouses or other guests will be invited. And, if you're having special entertainment, think of including that information in the invitation as well. Be sure to give specific directions on how to get to the location of the function.

For more information on function bookings, contact your local restaurant today.